These pics pretty well explain what happens with your tire when you have to much, or not enough air pressure for "the load".
Now, don't forget that phrase, --- for the load.
Common sense tells us you can find a write up on the internet that will support or dispute any subject you can come up with.
Also common sense will tell us that any manufacture will tell you your tires have to be pumped to what is stated. You will never find one that says you can let some air out when running empty or with no load.
I believe it's called liability.
Now wouldn't you think a tire that has 80# in it would look like the pic on the right if it was carrying the rated load?
Also wouldn't you think that same tire with the same 80# in it and running with no load on it would look like the the pic on the left?
Now, the way I interpret the pic of the center tire is, very very under inflated. With the 10 and 12 ply tires that are under discussion here, if they looked like that with no load on them, they wouldn't have any air!
I still maintain that running my tires at 50# when empty will give the same road contact as when running 80# when loaded. With absolutely no damage to the tires sidewall.
I encourage everyone to run their tire pressure where they are comfortable, and safe. Safety is by all means the most important issue.