The other day while searching the forum, I came across a couple articles reference truck airbags. This discussion pretained to Toyota Tundra. At this time I am trying to find that section and unable to locate it. If any of you have a Toyota Tundra with airbags
please email me at I own a Tundra and was looking into installing airbags. Thank you
I have a 2007 Tundra and Firestone airbags are a direct no drill bolt on. I have had mine 2&1/2 years with no problems. Any more questions get back to me.
i dont have a toyota but i also have air bags in my truck. (i use for construction also) i love them and i would reccommend getting the on board air commpresser with in cab gauge.
We have a2007 Tundra with Firestone airbags that we installed. We had a small issue with the holes lining up on the bracketsbut got the job done. You can find additional info at