Thank you for the welcome. I agree, the Redwood is one nice looking rig. I've actually exchanged several emails with Tom Montague of Redwood. We both agreed that buying one is going to be a bit like a double edge sword. On one hand, it could be very expensive mistake. On the other hand, Redwood is trying to establish a customer base with a solid reputation so even minor problems are resolved quickly.
We also discussed why in the world standard DVD combo units are still being installed.... Tom offered to personally install a Bluray unit...
Told him I'd take him up on it.
We also discussed why very few floor plans have been updated to fit the needs of the baby boomers. IMHO, most floor plans are still geared toward the previous generation. Our generation watches more TV, use computers etc and more floor plans should take this into consideration.
We've crawled all over and under a Redwood unit and from what I can see it is well built. Last summer we toured the Carriage, Jayco and DRV factories. The Carriage and DRV units are very well built but the Jayco is not nearly the same quality.