Thanks for your info ConveyTrex. I knew from the get go that I would not be pulling this with my 1/2 ton. Will be using my in-laws 2500. This weekend is when I will load up the deck and see what tongue weight is. If I feel it will be over the 1200 lb weight then I will contact who I got the WD set up from and see if I cant swap out the bars to the 1400lb rating. So long as I am in that ballpark. The 218 TW is less than the 252 off the bat, plus I will be loading up with lighter machines than you. If I need to go the class V hitch, so be it. I can't afford to get the truck I want right now, but I can make his truck work for this situation I believe. Another truck I am able to use is my brothers diesel. He does have the class V and can tow like a {moderator edit} with his rig.