New to rv world 2024 ss222rb
Definitely been a learning experience being new to owning a camper I've had quite the laundry list of issues with the quality control on this guy a list of things I've had to fix
- all the wiring for taillights and marker lights was sloppy at best loom not even on hanging out around the bottom of camper
-almost every single window on my "extreme weather" camper was barely sealed on top letnalone all the way around
-kitchen sink sealed by a monkey(leaked all around)
- bathroom sink leak
-shower pan not sealed and leaked massively
- went ahead an redid almost all outside seals as they were already cracking at 3 months old
- bubbles in interior vinyl flooring (heat gun and putty knife did the trick)
- rear electric stabilizer failed and bent at a 45° angle (took apart and bent straight then reinforced with steel welded in then re powder coated)
Any other issues people are finding with this model?