Noob in Canada
Whats up everyone. New here and to TTs in general. Just picked up a 262BH (technically picking up this week).
Don't ask why we went big for the first TT but it suited our needs the best vs the 242BH and Bullet 243BH. We've been wanting to buy a TT for around the last 4 years and decided it was a good time to do so.
I've been reading like a mad man and watching youtube vids, (2 hrs worth youtube stats tell me) since last week.
Ive got a basket full of goodies on amazon ready to order and we are going on our first trip this weekend with our neighbour who has been in TTs his whole life.
We're mostly hitting up Provincial parks, and plan to travel to local campgrounds for the time being in Ontario and Michigan. No plans to park it anywhere, which alot of people seem to do up here.
Look forward to learning more on here and elsewhere online and more importantly getting out there and enjoying it.