You got me curious. I've never done it, I just went to your profile, clicked on statistics, scroll down to albums, click on albums created by---
Try it and let me know if it works for you.
I have the same problems Lloyd. When I click on photos I only see my album, I know there are other albums out there but I cannot view them. Try it on the forums main page the tab to the right of forums.
Mark & Susan
Lehighton, Pennsylvania
EAGLE HT FIFTH WHEEL | 30.5CKTS - '13 Ford F150 SCREW - PullRite Superslide - Roadmaster Active Suspension Member - "Northeast Adventures RV Rally Group" & "Mason-Dixon Bunch"
I didn't go that route.
I just went to your profile, clicked on statistics, scroll down to albums, click on albums created by--- it brings up your album then I just scrolled thru your pics.
It only works if they have an album.
I can see photos back to 11/13/13. Wasn't that about the time of the big change over?
Yes but it's a coincidence. The link pulls albums that have been updated in the last 90 days. Once we have a few more pics in these albums we might consider a rotating image display at the top of the forum....
so when I go to the community drop down menu and click on photos/albums the recent albums appear. I am able to click on them. I can also check members albums from their profile.