Hello. I'm a new member and bought my first travel teailer 2015 Sunset Trail 300bh. Looking for input on satellite. Looking at the winguard Carryout. When I plug it into the trailer will it go to all the out puts in the trailer or just to the main tv? If so what would I have to do to get it to all the tvs?
Hi Joe:
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new rig.
I can't help you any on the input for satellite. I'm sure there will be somebody come along that knows a lot more about it then I do.
Just be patient and A TV fan should add some info pretty soon.
Unless they have changed the wiring, it won't go to the bedroom. I use a Dish dual output receiver and I connect the satellite dish to the RV Sat "in" connector. That takes the signal to the Entertainment jack where I connect the Sat receiver and then to the television. That gives me Sat-HD in the living room. I have access to the backside of my antenna booster box (you may or may not have the same access). In the back of the booster, I found the coax that goes to the bedroom and added a splitter. I then connected the SD signal from the Sat receiver to this splitter. This gives me Sat-SD signal to the bedroom. Hope this works for you.
I own a 240rb and have wired my dish to the main TV - outdoor TV and aux TV in the bunk using a composite video distribution amplifier to distribute the signal to all the televisions. it is the same signal but it save me from getting a second receiver. this works well for us.
I used the existing coaxial cables and changed them into composite the yellow portion of the yellow - red - white cables and I use the internal or external speakers thru the stereo system to distribute the audio.