Originally Posted by RADMiller
Welcome to the forum! A lot of people use this as a place to find answers, but if you have a good story or helpful experiences, please share.
On the outside of your trailer should be a metal access panel. (See pic below). Inside of this will be the drain plug (generally screwed during winter and screwed in during summer for us.) Some plummers tape is helpful to the threads on these plugs. There should be an overflow check valve there as well. Ours was a little silver thing. If there is water in the tank, then flipping this switch will allow water to come out (just do a quick flip). If no water comes out, readjust your bypass handles/valves. I can't remember which in goes which way as DH always took care of it and we sold our tt a couple weeks ago so I can go shoot another pic for you. If you do not get water out of the check valve do not turn on electric water heater as it can burn the anode out.
As for heating up the tank, remember electric heats slow (mine took close to an hour to heat the tank) and gas heats fast (maybe 15 min on mine). We ran them simultaneously during showers and turned gas off when hot h2o wasn't in heavy use.
Picture of side of tt. Arrow denotes hot water heater outside access panel. There is an inside access panel as well.